The AYFB held first business council meeting
In the format of the new Business Platform of the Association of Young Financiers and Businessmen, at the meeting held in Radisson, the challenges in the financial sector were discussed. The members of the AYFB business council are large and medium -small businesses operating in Georgia, as well as representatives of NGOs and analysts.
How will effect tax code changes on business

First real stepsafter Government’s reorganization for the improvement of business environment. The Association of Young Financiers and Businessmen” states aposition concerning pending chang
Retailers charge 800% premiums on Psychotropic drugs

Retailers charge800% premiums on Psychotropic drugs The association ofYoung Financiers and Businessmen” held a briefing on 31st of July atPirveli” press club, where the increasing tendency
Credit rates for Micro Finance Organizations are one of the highest in Europe

The Association of Young Financiers and Businessmen” held abriefing on 21st of March at press-club. The young financiers discussedthe tendencies for developing microfinance sector
“AFBA” publishes semi-annual results of monitoring business-environment

Actionstaken towards \Barambo” and \Zedazeni” are those of selective justice\. \The Association of YoungFinanciers and Businessmen – AFBA” continues monitoring facts of business andbusinessm