Georgian NGOs: “Young Barristers” and “AYFB”, held a round table examining EU-Georgia Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area and its impact on Georgian economy

4.08.2015 | Read 2104 times

Georgian NGOs:  “Young Barristers” and “AYFB”, held a round table examining  EU-Georgia Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area  and its impact on Georgian economy

Georgian NGOs: “Young Barristers” and “The Association of Young Financiers and Businessmen - AYFB” held a round table to examine  DCFTA – a most important part of  EU-Georgian  Association Agreement. The meeting focused on the activities implemented by the Government in compliance with the requirements    determined by DCFTA in record of trade, economy and industry, effectiveness and efficiency of these activities, as well as their problematic sites. The discussion was attended by different entrepreneurs and businessmen, who have evaluated impact of the Association Agreement on the country’s economy. The round table examined such issues as  the opportunities and projects for local entrepreneurs which will help to promote their exports in EU,  the level  of the trade development with EU, the main barriers and obstacles for  entrepreneurs refraining export with EU and effective use of all potentials and possibilities, offered by DCFTA .    

Shota Gulbani, the Vice-president of the “Association of Young Financiers and Businessmen” states, that DCFTA creates good opportunity for Georgia to optimize it’s economic integration with EU and enter 500 million EU market. Trade in goods liberalization is the key component of DCFTA and it envisages upgrade and modernization of Georgian law in order to create a framework conducive to further economic development, increased competitiveness and ensure readiness of the country to take responsibilities and be able to handle fulfilment of all the requirements in line with EU standards.  Analysis of all risk factors related to the inflow of European goods in Georgian market is very important as well. It is essential, that local industry could respond to high European standards with relevant level of development and had opportunity to compete with it.                    

The recommendations passed by the European Commission during Riga summit in May,2015, related to the implementation of the Visa Liberalization Action Plan  in Georgia,  were also discussed during the meeting. Archil Kaikatsishvili, the Head of “Young Barristers” stated, that  monitoring of the organization on the implementation of the National Action Plan revealed, that Georgian Government is actively working with EU to fulfill its obligations. There are significant reforms passed in order to harmonize domestic legislation with European standards. Accordingly, we have logical expectation, that EU will positively evaluate implementation of their recommendations by the State of Georgia in the end of the year and since autumn 2016, Georgia will enjoy freedom of movement with EU countries. 

Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Information Center on NATO and EU, Entrepreneurship Development Agency, experts on law and economics, heads of different NGOs and economic media attended the round table. Civil monitoring and institutional dialogue with the Government on the issues of Association Agreement will continue.   

We consider it relevant to mention, that the round table was prepared within the framework of the activities by the Alliance of NGOs “From signing Association Agreement to EU Membership”. The Alliance was founded by “Young Barristers” and “AYFB” is its member organization. The main goal of the Alliance is to support the process of integration with Europe.